Thursday, October 31, 2013

Speak Final Assessment.

Speak Final Assessment:

1. A inner/outer voice discord that has occurred: Many time my sister has gotten on my nerves to a point where I want to smack her. She urkes me to the very last straw where she gets so under my skin I can't take it anymore. A lot of times I don’t really think I just do but sometimes I dont. Anyways, one time my sister got so under my skin where I just flipped and the inner voice in my head was telling me to just walk away but my outer voice was telling me to smack her. Instead of listening to the angel on my shoulder, I listened to the devil on my other side and smacked her. My mom got mad at me, and I got in trouble. Again. To go against my inner voice at first felt good because it got my sister to stop, but then once I got in trouble for hitting my sister my mom got mad and it made me depressed. Instead of hitting my sister I should have listened to my inner voice and not have hit her but I wanted to so I did. The end.

2. Once upon a lovely squiddly diddly doo time, I was walking down the street and I wanted ice cream. So my inner voice was telling me to go inside the store and get ice cream with my moms money. then my outter voice was like yeah do it, it for a really good cause because you’re hungry and the ice cream looks delicious, so I went into the store… and I bought ice cream! It was strawberry shortcake with little sprinkles on top. I got in trouble when I got home because I didn’t buy what my mom wanted me to, but I told her it was for a good cause and got the ice cream. Then I gave her a bite and her whole mood changed. It was like a klondike bar. What would YOU DO for a klondike bar? I ended up spending all the money my mom gave me on more and more and more and more ice cream. But it was okay because the ice cream made me happy and I’m glad my voices harmonized together to get this lovely treat. Knowing my action were in accordance made me not have to really think about what I was doing so instead of thinking about what I was really doing I just went ahead and bought that yummy strawberry shortcake deluxe popsicle.

3. IN the book Speak by Laurie Halse Anderson, Melinda’s inner and outter voice disagreed a lot. One part of the story where it really shows this, is towards the end when Andy took her inside the closet where she had made her own closet room. Melinda was about to get hurt again she had the choice to scream or not. Melindas inner voice knew she should scream for help, but her outter voice was really scared and didn't know what to do. Instead, she didn’t scream she knew she should but she didnt. She did tell him how she really felt and the whole field hockey team did come in and save her but she didn’t cream. She did the take the piece of glass and cut him with it so that could be a hormic way but in this paragraph I’m talking about disagreement.

Friday, October 25, 2013

Secrets in the Attic V.C. Andrews.

First Quarter Outside Reading Book Review.

Secrets In The Attic by V.C Andrews, Pocket Star, 2007. Genre: Fiction.

    Two girls (Zipporah and Karen) are best friends, and they have been. They share everything, absolutely everything, except some secrets that Karen has been hiding. Karen has always been more mature than Zipporah, physically and mentally. Karens stepfather Harry Pearson is the definition of a perfect person in everyones eyes except Karens, but nobody knows that he has been raping her, or sitting in his moms old house to talk to his dead mother when he thinks no one is around. Karen has had enough of the unbelievable torture of getting raped by her stepfather every night when her moms asleep and not caring about this matter. One night, Karen dresses up in Pearson’s mother's old clothes and lays in bed waiting for him to taunt him with the thought of how his mother must feel about him doing such a horrid thing to her. Once he comes in he's ready to do what he has to do but seeing Karen likes this gets him angry, he tries to rape her one last time but Karens prepared and stabs him. Karen took off and no one knew where she was hiding, that lead everyone into expecting that she did kill him. Guess where she was? Zipporah's attic.. not even Zipporah had known for a while. Zipp, kept her secret safe between them two, until her brother came home from college. Although he had already known because him and Karen had been mailing each other back and forth through college, Zipp and him didn't know about each other knowing. Eventually, Karen and Zipp’s brother end up getting intimate and one straw that Karen pulls revealing that now she has gone mad, and Zipp’s brother calls an end and tells the cops about her. Now, Karens in the mental hospital and finds out shes pregnant with Zipporah’s brothers kid! Wow plot twist huh?

Secrets in The Attic is a very good book. It's easy reading. I had a hard time putting it down. Well written. I plan to read it again -Maggie2011MI

    This author has many book series and I find her a very well written author. Her books are very exciting and very brought to life. She uses a lot of similes and makes great metaphors in her writing as well.

    “Harry Pearson is dead,” She told me, then to be sure I understood, she added “Karen’s stepfather is dead.” (On back)

    Both girls in the book neither have such a great life, Zipporah feels very alone sometimes and usually only has Karen to confide in. Once she loses Karen, Zipp is actually lost. I have the same problem I've lost many friends and without them I feel lost. I like being isolated and don't enjoy big groups of people, I like being alone and even in a crowded room feel lost and alone. I feel as if Zipporah would be the same way. A connection to Karen would be that Karen is mature for her age, also Im very mature for my age as well and I always have been.
-5 Paws. Devour it.